The Village Society AGM will be held on Monday 16 September at 8pm at the Langton Pavilion Community Hub (this is the new term for the Pavilion Cafe at the Recreation Ground)!
It would be great if you could find the time to come along, hear what the Village Society has been doing, including our involvement in the Community Hub and the return of Fete On The Green. You’ll hear about how we have spent and how we plan to spend, money that has been raised throughout the year.
We are always looking to generate more interest and support and if you’ve taken the time to read this then maybe you should come along to hear more. We are particularly keen to hear of any village issues which you believe merit our attention.


Saturday 6th July

Even the weather could not dampen the spirits of the organisers (Mark Gamble and his dedicated team of helpers), our enthusiastic villagers and very many others who participated. The turnout of doggies was also exceptional. Many thanks to everyone. What a great village we have.

The following are just a few of the photos that were taken.

Others can be found on the Langton Green Village Chat facebook page, with thanks going to Nicci and the other f/b contributors

In spite of the clouds, the tea, coffee and cake tent did a roaring business, as did the bouncy castle in the background

The Peasant Farmers tent proved the usual success, as demonstrated by the hungry, but quickly served, queues that soon formed

One of the very many happy doggies - each was given a toy

Getting ready for the many arena events

The bottle tent table nearly collapsed with the generosity of villagers. In the background can just be seen the raffle section that was overwhelmed with lovely gifts

The classic cars exhibited by their proud owners

The bric-a-brac and book tent proved the usual magnet, as the swarm soon descended

I still don't know who parked this on The Green. Jenson Button's name is on it!


See your village from the sky

From your Village Society


NEW - 360 degree rotatable drone photographic images 

This "planet" image was taken by a drone flying above All Saints Church. The two links below each opens a 360 degree rotatable image of Langton Green and its wide surroundings; one from the West and one from the East. The images can be zoomed a little by using the mouse wheel.

Your village has spirit and initiative - an annual example

From your Village Society


Each year your Village Society plants more daffodils

Welcome, you're certainly in the right place for Langton Green!

The Green

'The Village set astride the High Weald of Kent'


Langton Green lies just two miles from Royal Tunbridge Wells in an area of outstanding natural beauty. As a consequence, the village enjoys all the benefits of an active village community of around 2500 people, yet is within easy reach of the delights of the famous spa town, with its easy access to the City (train journey of around 55 minutes), the coast and the M25 motorway network.


Langton Green has a long history dating back to the 1300s where, just like its neighbour Tunbridge Wells, royalty used to come to stay and to live. The first Princess of Wales – Joanna, the Fair Maid of Kent and mother of King Richard II, is reported to have lived at The Hollonds in the village around 1353. In the second half of the 19th Century, Princess Louise, the 4th daughter of Queen Victoria, lived at Dornden in Langton Green for ten years with her husband, the Marquis of Lorne. The Queen visited them in 1876. Prince Andrew of Yugoslavia lived here (also at The Hollonds) in the 1950s and the village was also the home of Prince and Princess Weikersheim in the same period. So perhaps a claim should be made for our village to be called ‘Royal Langton Green’?


Decimus Burton has had an important influence on the village, designing at least two houses of great significance. The Hollonds is one (mentioned above) and Holmewood House is the other, now a well-known independent girls and boys school.

Latest News

If you have an item of news about Langton Green which may be of interest, please do email the webmaster. You can also email us if you'd like to help with any of our regular activities throughout the year.  Please see the Contact Us page for all of our contact details

Village Society

The Village Society was founded in 1959 originally as the Rural Society with the specific aim of keeping a watchful eye on anything which would affect the appearance and character of the village. This is still true today, except that the Society is more involved with village affairs...  

Local Info

Langton Green is a village of over 1,300 households and is one of the four villages which make up Speldhurst Parish. Its Church (All Saints) sits close to the Green, and the Village Hall is now a new modern building located next to the recreation ground. The rural area around Langton Green is a fine example of...  




This website was created, and is maintained, by the Langton Green Village Society for the benefit of the village. If you have a news item or event which is about, from or happening in the village, you may contact us here.  


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