Sad news - death of David Brimlow

March 2024 - David was the Treasurer of our Village Society for many years and was regularly involved with village events. He will be much missed.


Langton Green Village Society Committee







LGVS Committee Meeting Minutes 11.09.202[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [92.2 KB]
LGVS Committee Meeting Minutes 17.07.202[...]
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LGVS Committee Meeting Minutes 17.06.202[...]
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LGVS Committee Meeting Minutes 15.05.202[...]
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LGVS Committee Meeting Minutes 17.04.202[...]
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LGVS Committee Meeting Minutes 13.03.202[...]
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LGVS Committee Meeting Minutes 13.02.202[...]
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LGVS Committee Meeting Minutes 09.01.202[...]
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LGVS Committee Minutes 07_03_24 Correcte[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [227.4 KB]

The original Minutes contained some minor inaccuracies in describing the Community Hub arrangements

An Introduction to The Langton Green Village Society


The Village Society was founded in 1959 originally as the Rural Society with the specific aim of keeping a watchful eye on anything which would affect the appearance and character of the village. This is still true today, except that the Society is more involved with village affairs than in those early years. The main issues of concern over which the Society keep a watching eye are contentious planning applications and making sure that listed buildings, footpaths and bridleways, as well important trees in the village, get the protection they rightly deserve. We feel keeping a village identity for Langton Green is most important along with preserving our wonderful countryside in and around the village.


The Village Society has no powers other than that of persuasion and, if necessary, the mobilisation of public opinion on all matters that might adversely affect the village. Therefore the more members we have, the more we will be listened to. If your household is currently not a member then please see the section below or if you prefer you may contact Helen Fuller (862268), our membership secretary, directly. 


In 1996 we organised the Village Fete for the first time and this annual event, held on the first Saturday in July, has become hugely popular and has generated a tremendous community spirit, one of the Society's main priorities. Any profits made from holding the Fete get ploughed in to good causes in the Village over time.


The strength of the Village Society is in its members. The larger and more active the Society is, the more our opinions will be respected. When controversial issues arise, the Society can mobilise suitable opposition to any threat to our environment. Like any society, the management of the work has to be organised and is usually done by the committee whose number averages around twelve to fourteen.


In 2014 your Society adopted the Village Sign for its logo. The Society commissioned and paid for the sign, which stands close to the Green, several years beforehand. The Society's Constitution was also updated at the AGM in 2018 and can be viewed below. 


In recent years the Village Society has given grants to local schoolchildren towards educational trips. We have put together guidelines and an application form which can be accessed by clicking on the document links at the bottom of this page. We have also given several donations to the local primary school to help with their projects, such as the outside library in 2017/2018. More recently, we have helped arrange and also fund the start up of tennis for year 5 puplis from the School to play on a local tennis court in the village. 


Lastly, we purchase and put up the hanging baskets you see along the main road in summer every year; organise, erect and decorate the Christmas tree every December which stands just across from the Hare pub near to the Green and continue to plant new bulbs for Spring which now regularly flower along the grass verges close to the village sign. 




We hope as many households in the Village as possible will become members of the Society. The subscription rate is just £10 a year, per household. Larger sums have sometimes been paid, and are very welcome. We would like all villagers to be included and so if you are unable to pay this and would still like to join, then please contact the Membership Secretary.

There are two forms below for your use: 

1. A membership form which enables us to record your membership details and to contact you with any general LGVS communications (these are always via email).
2. A standing order form. Ideally you can set this up yourself via online banking - our account details are on the SO form below (please note your reference will be your postcode plus your house name or number). 

The details on the membership form can be emailed to -  or posted to: 
The LGVS Membership Secretary, c/o 30, Hither Chantlers, Langton Green, Kent TN3 0BL.


Membership form
LGVS MembershipForm March 2024.docx
Microsoft Word document [12.9 KB]
Standing Order form
LGVS StandingOrder March 2024.docx
Microsoft Word document [13.1 KB]
Guidelines for Awarding Bursaries-17 Apr[...]
Microsoft Word document [14.0 KB]
LGVS Sponsorship Form 2 Feb 2025.docx
Microsoft Word document [13.8 KB]



Annex 3 - LGVS Constitution 2021.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [440.4 KB]
LGVS Constitution - March 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [127.8 KB]



Minutes of Annual General Meeting 2022.p[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [126.5 KB]
LGVS AGM 2021 - final (1).pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [2.6 MB]
LGVS accounts 2020V1 Final PDF.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [36.5 KB]
LGVS AGM Minutes 20April2021.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [162.5 KB]
Minutes of Annual General Meeting 2023.p[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [86.3 KB]
LGVS AGM 16 Sept 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [250.3 KB]






LGVS accounts 2019.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [38.0 KB]
LGVS accounts 2020.pdf
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LGVS accounts 2021.pdf
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LGVS Accounts 2022.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [58.9 KB]
LGVS Accounts 2023-1.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [52.3 KB]
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